Window Replacement Guidelines



Careful investigation has revealed that most of the water intrusions issues that arise at Pacific Point are the result of inadequate type (“retrofit) of window, and/or faulty details of installation, which allow storm-driven water to penetrate the buildings. In order to prevent easily avoidable problems, individual unit owners considering replacing their existing windows with new replacement windows must take the following steps must be taken:

  1. Notify the Board of Directors that you intend to replace your windows. They will gladly assist you in selecting only the appropriate, nail-on fin replacement windows that are required for all window installations. Note that “retrofit” type windows are no longer allowed, as of August 27, 2008.
  2. Select a window contractor from the list of approved vendors available from Manor.
  3. 3.Co-ordinate your installation with Pacific Point’s quality assurance team through the Board, so that the entire installation can be monitored to ensure that no water intrusion issues arise as a result of the installation.

In addition to the required installation procedures noted above, the following aesthetic guidelines are intended to govern the selection of replacement windows.

  1. When there is an opportunity to continue the original design pattern in any stack of three windows (i.e., the smaller opening sash to the left, the smaller opening sash to the right, two equal-sized sashes, etc.), that established pattern should be followed.
  2. If a pattern has been established (whether or not that pattern follows the original design) by two replacement windows in a stack, that established pattern should be followed when the third window is replaced.
  3. If two existing replacements in any given stack do not match each other, a third replacement shall match the one that most closely follows the original design.
  4. If one existing nail-on fin replacement has not followed the original pattern, the other two original windows, on replacement whether by PPHOA or individual homeowner, shall match the approved nail-on installed replacement window, in order to promote, eventually, the harmony of external design as the homeowners over time upgrade their windows.

  5. In some Bedroom windows, the original design pattern does not meet current CBC egress standards, and therefore cannot be replaced to match the original pattern. In this case, follow guidelines above regarding harmony of external design

Since the windows are by CCRs the property of the owners, the Board cannot compel the use of any window sash orientation, in order to continue any established pattern. Therefore the aesthetic guidelines are advisory, in order to promote the “harmony of external design” referenced in the CCRs.

However, it is mandatory that all window replacements, regardless of sash orientation, shall be good quality (Milgard or equal) nail-on fin, dual-glazed, white vinyl, and subject to PPHOA inspection during installation and prior to coverup to ensure proper flashing details. Complying window installations are approved, subject to the owner, versus PPHOA, being responsible for future maintenance of the improvement, and any damages the improvement creates to the common areas.

Please note that under California Real Estate disclosure requirements, should you sell, you are required to disclose this obligation to your buyer of the home owner’s, versus PPHOA’s, responsibility to maintain the owner-installed windows in a water-tight condition.

Water intrusion problems and damages resulting from improper installation of replacement windows subsequent to formal adoption of this policy on 8/27/08 are the liability of the installing contractor, and through them the homeowner, so all homeowners are hereby advised the verify the current licensing and liability insurance status of all contractors they may hire to do work on the buildings at Pacific Point.